Gilt City Promo Code

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Gilt City is a lifestyle, shopping, and activity deals website, much akin to Groupon or Living Social….but fancier. Click here for $20 free (link works like a Gilt City promo code).

Gilt City Promo Code

Get $20 FREE with this discount code referral link.

They don’t have a Gilt City promo code per se, but instead discounts work via referral links that are worth $20 off.

Gilt City Promo Code deal : Get $20 off all deals with this coupons link

Gilt City Review

I’ve used deals websites like Groupon, GoldStar, and LivingSocial a lot in the past with both successes and failures. Groupon has burned me a few times with their quick deal expiry dates, and with businesses not accepting the Groupon—or at least making me wait for months to use it, while their “regular” customers pay full price and come in right away. Blarg.

Anyway, Gilt City was a new one for me, and I had high hopes, so I plunged right in to do a Gilt City review of their website.

Gilt City Promo Code deal : Get $20 off all deals with this coupons link

It went really well actually. I found a spa gift card that I probably would buy in the future as a gift. The expiry date was about 3 months in the future which isn’t awesome, but if you’re going to use it right away it shouldn’t be an issue. The hotel said you could come in any day of the week, no restrictions. This may be specific to the business and may vary for other businesses on Gilt City, but at least I’m happy that this one is easy to use. I haven’t yet purchased it, but I’ll update here when I do.

If you’ve had an experience (be it good or bad) with Gilt City, I want to hear your Gilt City reviews. So send me an email via the contact page, or comment below.

Also, be sure to use this Gilt City promo code link when you visit to claim that $20 free credit.