Furhaven Coupon Code

Furhaven makes fantastic affordable Orthopedic pet beds. Get 40% off when you click here and then enter the Furhaven coupon code PET40 at checkout. Plus, read my Furhaven review of their sofa dog bed.

Furhaven Coupon Code

Be sure to use the Furhaven promo code PET40 after visiting Furhaven.com here. You’ll get a 40% discount on your purchase! So for one of their orthopedic pet sofa beds which start out costing

Furhaven Promo Code: Get 40% off a sofa dog bed with our Furhaven coupon code link!

Furhaven Review: The Orthopedic Pet Bed (Sofa Dog bed)

My dog’s getting on in age, and is finding it less and less comfortable to sleep on the carpet. We started letting him sleep on the couch, because it seemed the only place he rested well. But now he’s getting even less mobile, and it’s a struggle to get on the couch for him.

So I went about searching for a dog sofa bed. I wanted all the benefits of a sofa, but super low down. And I came across Furhaven pet products! They actually have an orthopedic pet bed that is also a sofa dog bed. It’s called the NAP Sofa Bed. It’s adorable. And it looked so comfortable. So I bought it!

Furhaven Review: About the Furhaven Pet Bed (I bought an Orthopedic Sofa Dog Bed)

I got the Navy color, in the Jumbo size. My dog is a lab and I figure he probably could have fit the large, but I wanted it to be extra luxurious for him.

My dogs Furhaven review: He loves it. I mean, he still gets on our human couch when he’s feeling nimble, but most of the time he opts for the NAP sofa bed. We also use it when we go on road trips—just plonk it in the SUV trunk and he goes to sleep for basically the whole drive. I’m pretty jealous, to be honest.

Again, that Furhaven Promo Code

Be sure to visit Furhaven.com and then enter the Furhaven promo code PET40 during checkout. It will be in the final step of checkout that you’ll see the promo code box appear. You should get 40% off any Furhaven pet bed!