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Lyft Indianapolis Reviews

Lyft Indianapolis - Get bonus cash as a driver, or free rides as a new passenger!
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In Indianapolis and need a ride around town? Or looking for a part-time to full-time job? Well, you’re in luck! Get a free $50 Lyft credit with the code  WNY.


Lyft Indianapolis Reviews for Riders

Lyft Indianapolis : RIDERS

For Lyft Riders in Indianapolis, you can score $50 in FREE Ride credit by entering the coupon code  WNY
(you can also use this link).



Lyft Indianapolis : Drive for Lyft and earn a HUGE bonus

Lyft Indianapolis : DRIVERS

For Drivers, you get $350 in Bonus Driver Pay if you sign up with this link and complete a minimum number of rides (depends on when you sign up) in 30 days.




Lyft Indianapolis Reviews

I’ve spent my fair share of time in Indianapolis—my parents live there, so I’m in town at least a few weeks of the year. I love it there, and especially love how easy it has become to get around now that Lyft has rolled into town.

I took a few rides to some of my favorite local joints. I found the pricing to be reasonable, as it is in most places where Lyft exists. I thought I’d take it one step further and see how well I did as a driver for Lyft in Indianapolis.

I’m already a Lyft driver in my main city of SF. So it wasn’t too hard to nip into the app, switch to driver mode, and start looking for riders. It took a bit longer to snag my first rider than it usually does in SF, but I figure that’s just a population thing. On the plus side, the ride they took was a longer distance, so in the long run the numbers end up evening out. Overall, it’s worth exploring some more—I’d love to hear more feedback.

Lyft Indianapolis Reviews: Get $350 as a new driver doing Mustache Rides Indianapolis

How Do I Become a Driver doing Mustache Rides Indianapolis?

Good question, my friend. That would also be my first question.

Basically you have to sign up to drive through a referral link, such as this one. Then, once your application is approved and you’re on the road, you have to complete a minimum number of rides in a given time period. Usually the time period is 30 days, but Lyft tends to vary the number of rides on a daily basis. The lowest I’ve seen is 30 rides in 30 days—but more recently I’ve seen insane quotas such as 100 rides in 30 days. Good luck with that one—unless you only drive during power hours.

Would love your feedback! Don’t forget to sign up via one of the links below to get FREE rides or Bonus pay doing mustache rides Indianapolis:

Lyft Coupon doing Mustache Rides IndianapolisLyft Driver


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