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Lyft Modesto is a great way to get around the city. Use the Lyft Modesto promo code [lyft] for $50 in credits, or click here. You can also use Uber Modesto and get a $20 discount with the promo code [uber].
Lyft Modesto: $50 Rider Credits
Be sure to use the Lyft Modesto promo code [lyft] for $50 in rider credits. You can use these all around town, or in any other city in the US that Lyft operates (that’s most cities)!
Uber Modesto
If you’ve already used up all your Lyft credits, try out Uber next! Use the Uber Modesto promo code [uber] to get $20 off your first ride.
Become a Rideshare Driver in Modesto
Both Lyft and Uber are always looking for more drivers—in fact, they sorta compete for drivers. You can take advantage of this! If you’re looking to sign up to become a rideshare driver in Modesto, here’s what you should do.
1. Start by signing up to be an Uber Driver. Use this link to qualify for a killer signup bonus (around $300 usually).
2. Complete something like 40 Uber rides (to get your bonus). This will also show Lyft (see next step) that you’re serious about rideshare driving!
3. Sign up to drive for Lyft using this link. They like to try and steal Uber drivers, so offer big bonuses if you can prove you were a serious Uber driver. Sometimes up to $2000!
Again, those Rider Codes
If you’re looking to ride around Modesto, don’t forget to use the following codes to score rider credits:
Lyft: [lyft] for $50 in credits
Uber: [uber] for $20 in credits
Have fun! You can also check out BeMyDD for a final unique option (they drive your car, so you can drink)!