Lyft Promo Code

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Lyft is an on-demand ridesharing service that allows you to get quick, cheap and easy lifts around town. Use the Lyft Promo Code [lyft] for $50 in Lyft credit!

Lyft Promo Code

Get $50 credit on your Lyft account with the Lyft Promo Code [lyft]. You can also click here to download the app and the credit will automatically apply!

This credit is good for 10 rides around town. Lyft home from your friends’ house, a bar, or to/from a busy concert and never worry about parking.

Lyft Promo Code 2016: Get $50 FREE credit with code TOP50

How Lyft Works

  1. Download the Lyft app. Enter your details and make sure your Location Services is on.
  2. Enter the Lyft promo code [lyft] to get your $50 credit right off the bat
  3. When you’re ready for a ride, simply hit “Pickup!” and you’ll immediately see how long it will be until a Lyft driver arrives at your location.
  4. That’s it—when you get out of the car, there is no need to pay or do anything further. You can add a small tip for your driver in the app if you’d like to, but otherwise there’s nothing more to do!

I really enjoy riding Lyft. It’s a bit more of a friendlier experience than Uber, which seems to be becoming more like a silent taxi service. Lyft drivers are usually more like peers who are ready to chat as well as share tips about great things to do around the city.

Lyft Promo Code 50 Free Rides with coupon code TOP50

Lyft is currently only in the USA

You can see which cities Lyft is in by visiting this page. I’m hoping it opens up in Europe soon! You can also use Lyft via the Grab Taxi app in Singapore and some other Asian countries.

Additionally, Lyft is my preference for being a driver, as they pay better and overall get to know you a bit more. If you want to sign up as a driver and get a $200 bonus just for signing up, you can also do so with the TOP50 referral code.

Get $50 credit on your Lyft account with the Lyft Promo Code [lyft].