PetChatz Coupon Code

PetChatz offers live video “conferencing” with your stay at home pets. Plus, check out all available PetChatz Coupon Codes below.

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Check for PetChatz Discounts

PetChatz Coupon Code

There isn’t always a PetChatz Coupon Code available, but when there is you can find it at the link above.

Currently the entire product is highly discounted (almost $100 off) so you don’t really even need a coupon code to get an amazing deal.

What is PetChatz?

PetChatz is an awesome HD camera that you can set up in your home at pet height. You can live stream with your pet, including a video of your face. The device can additionally deposit treats to your dog or cat so you can even reward them when they’re being a good boy or girl.

It additionally allows your pet to play games, and can even release calming aromas in case you have a highly anxious pet. How cool!