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Shipt Promo Code

Shipt Promo Code: Get $10 off groceries on Demand
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Shipt is the latest Grocery Delivery service, bringing groceries to your house with the click of a button.Get $10 off with the Shipt promo code fglqw.

Shipt Promo Code

Get $10 off your first Shipt order by using the promo code fglqw.

Shipt Promo Code: Get $10 off your first order with the Shipt promo code fglqw

My Shipt Review

When I normally shop for groceries, I get the same things every single time. It’s so boring. I have begun to dread going to the grocery store!

Luckily there’s Shipt to help ease my grocery-shopping boredom. It’s an Alabama based company. They are kind of like the Uber of grocery shopping. Much like Instacart, Shipt isn’t affiliated with any grocery store specifically. But the app features products from Publix, Raphs and other stores. Their independent grocery shopper helpers bring the items straight to your door.

Shipt Promo Code: Get $10 off groceries on Demand

Many people are put off by Shipt at first because of its $99 dollar yearly membership fee. But here’s why it’s not such a big deal:

If money isn’t a worry, but convenience and customer service are, then I have some good news for you. Shipt’s customer service is well known for being good. They respond quickly and professionally, always ready to help in case something isn’t delivered or is out of stock. Also the app makes it easy to order the same purchased items again. Smart since humans tend to be creatures of habit, I guess. The app also has a notes section so you can give the shoppers instructions in case you want a specific thing.

It’s really amazing what this app brings to the table, on top of the fact that I estimated Shipt saves money. Add on the Shipt Promo Code here for $10 and you have yourself a winner.

Steps for using Shipt :

  1. Sign up for a Shipt Membership here by clicking here (and get Shipt Promo Code fglqw for 10 dollars free!)
  2. Download the app and login
  3. Put in your address and choose from the different grocery stores
  4. Choose your items. So many convenient and easy features in this section. Make sure you check out the Buy One Get One free sections!
  5. Check out and relax while your groceries are delivered!

Use the free $10 and try it out for yourself. And for those of you not located in Shipt location, why not try one of these other grocery delivery services (all with coupons)!

Click here for $10 off at Shipt.

Shipt Promo Code: Get $10 off groceries on Demand

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