StyleSeat Promo Code

StyleSeat is a huge online marketplace of beauty professionals. It is organized in a really easy, searchable website, allowing for the consumer to quickly pick and choose a specific hairstylist. Click here for $50 off your first Styleseat Appointment!

StyleSeat Promo Code

Like many other sites, StyleSeat’s only offered discount comes in the form of a referral link, not a traditional promo code. So visit the link below to receive $50 off (and consequently, I also receive $50—so thank you!)

Get $50 credit towards your first beauty booking when you sign up via this referral link.

StyleSeat Reviews

I have been trying out different places recently and StyleSeat is one of the ones that was recommended to me.

I can’t begin to tell you how dangerously addictive the StyleSeat app is. One minute I will be browsing blowouts, the next moment I’ll be scrolling through manicure options. The StyleSeat app makes it super too easy to book an appointment with amazing hairstylists around you. They find the best stylists in your area, dedicated to what they do. It makes it really easy on the customer to find exactly who and what they are looking for.

Anyway. So. I have not YET booked anything through StyleSeat, but instead have been addicted to using StyleBee, which I highly recommend. I imagine StyleSeat is very similar, but will update when I find out for sure!

For Professionals

StyleSeat is also good for independent professionals looking to support themselves. There are literally millions of people who use StyleSeat each month, creating a massive pool of sustainable clients. One of my good friends has put her company on StyleSeat and has gotten tons of traffic because of it. The beauty industry was waiting for a website like StyleSeat to bring everything into one single location.

The part I like the most is the StyleSeat pricing. Everything is done through the app, so there is no hassle of money. It is also great for my beautician friend who used to have people cancel or refuse to pay regularly. With StyleSeat pricing, it is secure for both parties.

The only downside to StyleSeat is that you still have to go to their store, unlike the StyleBee app which brings the hairstyles to your house. (Check out our CouponSuck review of StyleBee here and get $25 off!)

Check out these StyleSeat locations:

  • Styleseat Dallas
  • Styleseat Houston
  • Styleseat Chicago
  • Styleseat San Francisco
  • Styleseat Atlanta
  • Styleseat Savannah
  • And many more cities!

I could go on forever about the StyleSeat service but really you should just try it for yourself. Give it a shot and enjoy the $50 off with this referral link!