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Thirstie Promo Code

Thirstie Promo Code: Get your drinks delivered and read our Thirstie App Review
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Beat the traffic and get your next drink delivered with Thirstie!

Thirstie Promo Code

UPDATE: None available at the moment. Will update when we have one.

Thirstie Review

We’ve already done posts on MiniBar, Drizly, Saucey and Swill, and we are glad to add Thirstie to the mix. Thirstie is coming into a pretty competitive market, but they think they have an ace up their sleeve. Unlike Saucey which has its own delivery crew, Thirsty requires the liquor store to bring you the drinks. This means they can avoid the hassle of transportation issues, and focus on customer service. This has some great aspects, and some more negative ones. (Note: We haven’t yet ordered, this is just an overview of the service).

The bad side is that their service is reliant on other companies. You may order your alcohol from Thirstie, but it will be the individual store that actually is responsible for delivering it. 9/10 times this is OK, but when something goes wrong it makes it a lot more difficult to deal with. That being said, Thirstie has hundreds of alcohol retailers to work with and can choose only the best ones for their app users.

The good side of this service is their drink prices can be cheaper. Of all the on-demand drink delivery apps, Thirstie is one of the cheapest, often 3-4 dollars a bottle cheaper than Saucey. They are betting that people don’t mind getting their drinks delivered by a random guy if the price tag is low enough. They must be doing something right, because they don’t even need to offer a Thirstie Promo Code.

Thirstie Promo Code: Get your drinks delivered and read our Thirstie App Review

Steps for using Thirstie:

  1. Install the Thirstie app and create an account
  2. Add your address
  3. Choose your liquor
  4. Let them deliver it to you!

We don’t have a Thirstie Promo Code yet, but go ahead and try out the service. The drink prices are some of the best of all the on demand alcohol delivery apps. While you are at it, try out some of the other on-demand liquor apps such as Drizly and Saucey who do offer up to $20 off your first order.

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