TodayTix Promo Code

The TodayTix app is ideal for theater-lovers, as it allows you to buy last-minute Broadway tickets at discounted prices, straight from their easy-to-use app!

TodayTix Promo Code

Use the TodayTix Promo Code: [todaytix] for $10 off last-minute Broadway tickets with the TodayTix App!

I’m a huge theater-goer myself, but often have found it somewhat hard to really plan ahead. With TodayTix, it’s been really great to be able to decide last-minute if I want to have a night out at the theater. And it’s a great way to see what new shows are out and available!

TodayTix Promo Code: Use SVQYO for $10 free!

How TodayTix works

  1. Head on over to TodayTix, or download the TodayTix App
  2. Enter the TodayTix promo code [todaytix] to make sure you get your $10 ticket credit
  3. Browse the offerings of shows in your city
  4. Once you’ve selected one, it will give you an option to choose a general section
  5. Purchase, and about 30 minutes before the show a TodayTix concierge will meet you and hand you your tickets (forget waiting in line)!

It’s really neat, and will really make you feel like a VIP. Plus, the seats are great—you can get right near the front!

TodayTix is currently selling Broadway tickets in:

  • New York
  • London
  • Los Angeles

I’m hoping that they open up to San Francisco too as well, as I visit there a lot. But in the meantime, New York and LA are great options. If you don’t see them in your area, drop them a line and let them know you’re interested in having them expand.

If you really want to make a night out of it, try taking an Uber black car to the show (don’t forget to use a coupon code, like [uber] for $20 free—as well as the TodayTix promo code below). You’ll feel like a real celebrity, while saving some cash!