Zeek Promo Code

Zeek is a gift card app that helps you find discounted gift cards from your phone. To get £3 free credit, enter the Zeek promo code 21S7DYDA under the promo codes section.

Zeek Promo Code

Get £3 free credit when you enter the Zeek promo code 21S7DYDA in the promo codes section of your account. You should see the credit automatically apply. Be sure to use it within 10 days—or else it will expire!

Zeek Promo Code: Get £5 free credit with the Zeek discount code 21S7DYDA

Plus, when you share your own Zeek discount code you can earn additional cash for free (£5 per new signup)!

Visit Zeek.Me to get started.

What is the Zeek App?

The Zeek app is one of the new apps that allow you to buy gift cards at a lower price than they are worth. So you might buy an Apple gift card for 8% less than the value.

Additionally, you can sell your old unused gift cards if you don’t think you want them anymore. You’ll be selling them at a lower price than they are worth—but you’ll be able to trade them in for a gift card you DO want, or for cash.

What Gift Cards Can I Buy on Zeek?

Basically most popular brands are available on Zeek, so you won’t be struggling to find something you want. For example, there are gift cards to iTunes, Starbucks, Sainsbury’s, Debenhams, Morrisons, Argos, TicketMaster, New Look, Harrods, and even XBox. The list literally goes on and on—it’s best if you just download the app yourself to see if your own favorite brands are on there.

Using the Zeek Discount Code

Enter the Zeek promo code under the section that says Promo Codes (under your account). The credit will automatically apply—but it won’t stay there forever. You will have to use it within 10 days, or else it expires. This should be pretty easy, as its £3 free—who wouldn’t use that? I’d suggest just buying a gift card to a store you KNOW you shop at, and you’ll be sitting pretty.